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Holiday Book Sale – Canton Library

Holiday Book Sale – Canton Library

The Friends of the Canton Public Library is holding a Holiday used book sale for children and adults.  All books will be in very good condition and appropriate as gifts.  We will have both fiction and non-fiction in hardcover and paperback formats.  The sale will be set up in the lobby of the library.

The sale will begin on November 25 and run through the holidays.

Please support the Holiday Sale as well as our year-round used book kiosk.

All proceeds go to the Canton Public Library and help pay for programs, museum passes, equipment and materials for both adults and children.

Order Your Friends Holiday Cookie Platters Now

Order Your Friends Holiday Cookie Platters Now

The Friends of the Canton Public Library are taking orders for their popular Holiday Cookie Platters. Festively wrapped platters are $20 for 2lbs of great holiday favorites. Quantities are limited and pre-ordering is recommended. Orders and payment can be made at the Library Circulation Desk. Online orders and payment  can be made on our website at:

Platters will be available for pick up on Friday, Dec 13th from 3pm-5pm in Room C and on Saturday, Dec. 14th from 10am-1pm.

Thank you for your support of this important fundraiser.



The Friends of the Canton Library’s big Holiday Cookie Platter Sale is coming up in December! Please consider baking for this great cause. A batch or two of your favorite Holiday cookies would be greatly appreciated. No jam bars please.

Cookies can be dropped off in Room C of the Community Center, on Thursday, December 12th from 12pm-6pm.

If you want your container back, please write your name on it and pick it up on Dec.13 from 3-5pm or Dec.14th from 10am-1pm

Holiday Book Sale – Donations Needed

The Friends of the Canton Public Library are seeking donations of Pre-K to teen books for our upcoming Holiday Book Sale. All books should be gently used and in good, clean sale-able condition. Books can be dropped off at the Canton Public Library on 40 Dyer Ave. during normal library hours.

Books your family have outgrown can make wonderful gifts this holiday season. All profits from The Friends fundraisers help to purchase items and provide programming for the library.

The Holiday Book Sale starts on November 25th.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira